All I can say is these two weeks are going to be phenomenal. Today we had our first GaGa class and after students participated in a Q&A to chat a little with Doug Letheren himself. Here are a couple of the ideas and terms he shared with the class today...
- Roping arms
- Snake of spine
- Full Cross- cross of two diagonals through the body
- Lala (lay-lah) the connection between the finger tips and heart
- Groove- a force/ connected to passion to move but more playful/ connection to sexuality
- Natural generosity you have with your body
Below are a few pictures from Repertory. Enjoy!

"Gaga challenges multi-layer tasks.
We are aware of the connection between effort and pleasure, we are aware of the distance between our body parts, we are aware of the friction between flesh and bones, we sense the weight of our body parts, yet, our form is not shaped by gravity... we are aware of where we hold unnecessary tension, we let go only to bring life and efficient movement to where we let go . . . We are turning on the volume of listening to our body, we appreciate small gestures, we are measuring and playing with the texture of our flesh and skin, we might be silly, we can laugh at ourselves. We connect to the sense of "plenty of time”, especially when we move fast, We learn to love our sweat, we discover our passion to move and connect it to effort, We discover both the animal we are and the power of our imagination. we are "body builders with soft spine". We learn to appreciate understatement and exaggeration, We become more delicate and we recognize the importance of the flow of energy and information through our body in all directions. we learn to apply our force in an efficient way and we learn to use "other" forces.
We discover the advantage of soft flesh and sensitive hands, we learn to connect to groove even when there is no music. We are aware of people in the room and we realize that we are not in the center of it all. We become more aware of our form since we never look at ourselves in a mirror; there are no mirrors. We connect to the sense of the endlessness of possibilities.
Yielding is constant while we are ready to snap...
We explore multi-dimensional movement, we enjoy the burning sensation in our muscles, we are aware of our explosive power and sometimes we use it. We change our movement habits by finding new ones, we can be calm and alert at once.
We become available . . ."
- Ohad Naharin